About us

Yojanabazar.com website provides information related to jobs, results, admit cards, admission, exams, and scholarships. Here information about jobs available in India and the center is given. On Yojanabazar, you can get information about all the jobs in INDIA from a single website. Here you are given all the information in simple language and a direct manner. Stay connected with Yojana bazar so that you can keep getting information related to jobs, results, admit cards, and admission.

Beginning of Yojana Bazar

The only purpose of creating the Yojana Bazar was for all the youth of INDIA or every citizen who is interested in getting government jobs, admit cards, results, admission, and other information related to employment and education related to INDIA. Want to get and get it in one place. Then to fulfill this purpose, YojanaBazar.com was started on 11 November 2021

We often hear that candidates do not know when the employment notice is released when the admission notice is released, when the admit card is released, when the exam date notice is released, and many other information. Candidates are not able to reach it or those candidates are not able to know how to get all this information by visiting the platform or website.

Students and candidates greatly benefit from getting information related to employment and education related to Bihar on a single platform on the Yojana Bazar website. By getting the information at the right time, the work gets done at the right time like filling out the online form before the last date, downloading the admit card, knowing the exam date, knowing the result, and filling out the state scholarship form on time. And other tasks that get done at the right time.

Our Social Media Presence

Yojana Bazar tries its best to give you the first and correct information. To stay connected with Yojana Bazar, join Yojana Bazar’s Social Media Handle. Links to all social media are given below

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